Festive Greetings

This morning we published our latest newsletter, and in it we confirmed the dates for next year’s Heritage Open Days festival.

Friday 9th to Sunday 18th September 2022

We do hope you can join us as the national team have come up with a fantastic theme for next year - Astounding Inventions. They are inviting us all to celebrate England's rich history of invention, industry and innovation. Whether it’s transporting visitors back to the industrial revolution, examining the inventions that power our daily lives, highlighting the legacy of a local inventor, or showcasing cutting-edge innovations. And this will of course be in addition to our usual array of brilliant events. We can't wait!

If you feel the same make sure you save the dates, or even better why not help us with next year's festival. There are so many ways you can get involved - you could become a festival sponsor, or maybe you would like to host an event yourself or perhaps you'd prefer to join our wonderful team of volunteers.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, visit our Get Involved page to find out more. Otherwise who not take a peek at the rest of the newsletter as it includes links for some great podcasts to listen to and films to watch over the holiday period. You can read and subscribe to the newsletter here.

Our warmest wishes for Christmas

and the new year