Tragedy at Sea: Southampton’s Connection to the Titanic

As the RMS Titanic left Southampton on 10th April 1912, crowds filled the docks to wave goodbye to their friends and family. Many of the ship’s crew and passengers were Southampton natives who would never return to their city again. Mary Taylor, a Southampton tourist guide, leads listeners on a trail through Southampton to historic sites relating to the ship, reveals how the city mourned after the tragedy, and explores the real stories of passengers aboard the ill-fated journey.

The map below contains the various locations in Southampton mentioned in the podcast episode. Click the various points of interest to learn more.

If you are in Southampton and would like to walk the Titanic trail yourself, then why not use our interactive Google map as a guide.

More photos of each location can be found in the interactive map above.


Further Resources

There is much to learn about the Titanic’s voyage and the aftermath, and our team have gathered a list of resources if you would like to learn more:

Recommended articles:
‘How the Titanic was lost and found’
‘Titanic’s maiden departure from Southampton’
‘Southampton’s lost Titanic generation’
‘The Devastating Impact the Sinking of Titanic had on Southampton’.

The SeaCity Museum in Southampton offers a powerful Titanic exhibition, so why not go for a visit next time you are in Southampton? Experience Southampton life in 1912, try sailing the Titanic out of the Solent, learn morse code and hear powerful oral testimony from survivors.

There are no Titanic victims buried in Southampton or anywhere else in the UK, but you can still find their names on family graves in the Southampton area: Learn more about the Titanic Graves.

Holyrood Church plays an important role in remembering the merchant navy and other aspects of Southampton history and heritage. Learn more about the site’s history here.

Explore the interactive map by Historic Southampton which shows where Titanic crew members lived and/or stayed before the maiden voyage.

Southampton Tourist Guides offers several guided tours in Southampton, and you can find more information on their website.