Myths and Legends of the Test Valley

Amanda Kane-Smith is a professional storyteller and author based in Hampshire. In this episode, she reveals fascinating local legends and discusses her book Test Valley Tales.

In the beautiful village of Amport, an owl hoots, and then a baker’s daughter pays a magical price for her cruelty. ‘The Baker’s Daughter of Amport’ is one of many local legends that Amanda Kane-Smith brings to life as a storyteller. Combining magic, mythical creatures, and real locations in the Test Valley, her book Test Valley Tales takes readers on a journey across history through fascinating stories and beautiful illustrations.

Additionally, Amanda explores her work as a ‘Merry-go Round storyteller’ at events, festivals, libraries, and other locations across Hampshire.

Amanda Kane-Smith is a professional storyteller and author based in Hampshire. She specialises in interactive, high-energy storytelling and has a wealth of stories up her sleeve ready to share.

Under the name Merry-go-Round Storytelling, Amanda also specialises in storytelling workshops and interactive storytelling, craft, and drama sessions for children.

Amanda has worked with a variety of organisations and charities including, The National Trust, English Heritage, and The Hawk Conservancy Trust.

In 2021, Amanda created 'Test Valley Tales', an Arts Council Funded project which brings local locations to life through folk tales and legends. The project combines local legends and new stories set in 10 family friendly locations around the borough, and is shared as an illustrated book of short stories and a storytelling podcast. The project aims to encourage people to visit the locations, enjoy the landscape and imagine the stories taking place.

Additional Information and Resources

Visit Amanda Kane-Smith’s website, buy Test Valley Tales, or listen to the Test Valley Tales Podcast by visiting her website Merry-Go-Round-Storytelling.

Below you can find three extracts from her podcast - Test Valley Tales: